Convention Programs And Events


Pat Corn

The following are presentations are easily applied to convention settings as well. They may be presented to the convention as a workshop, a clinic, concert, or as an individual session. For attendence control, repeating the session is always an option. All programs have supportive printed material. 

"Whom The Father Seeks".... developing a daily lifestyle of true worship

This presentation is the total package; from one to three sessions that encompasses the scriptural design for the believer to embrace a daily lifestyle of true worship. This workshop is perfect for a convention that lasts for more than one day and is a a perfect fit for adults and youth giving them the tools to foster a daily lifestyle of worship. Deemed as "life changing", WTFS will focus on the greatness of God, His divine precepts, fostering an insatiable hunger for a more dynamic relationship with the Father.

"One Guy - One Guitar - One God"... the Essence of true worship

This powerful one hour dramatic presentaion has one goal; TO LIGHT HIM UP! 

The Spirit spoke through John, in Revelation Chapter 2,  to his very own church in Ephesus, admonishing them to repent from "forsaking" their First Love; the love of the Father. This presentation calls the body of Christ to act on the Spirit's charge to, "go back and do what you did in the beginning, and then you will have the right eat from the tree of life." "One Guy..." focuses on whom our Father says He is, as the presentation extols His virtues, His nature, and His character, all the while drawing the believer to engage in a deeper relationship with Him through true worship. A true worshiper is "whom the Father seeks."

"Headlock".... tearing down the strongholds

This presentation is designed to "demolish every stronghold that raises itself above the glory of God." In this day and time, it is glaring evident that an all out effort is being made to destroy the foundations of our faith, families, and our Christian society. How do we deal with these problems that bind us? "Headlock" breaks down walls and tears down the oppression that has been carefully crafted to destroy the lives of our believers. 

"Inspiration vs Motivation"... choice as an act of worship

This presentation is superb for all ages. It draws stark contrasts between an "inspired" life and a "motivated" life. This is a powerful process that will help the believer to micro-manage one's daily lifestyle of worship. This message is also the core process for an immensely effective, solution focused coping process developed by Dr. Corn for pro-active resolutions. This expose' is "life altering." If one's choices are based on responses to man and circumstance, "Inspiration vs Motivation" will be a giant step in offering a method of correction. This message would be very valuable for the youth of your fellowship by providing a simple litmus test to put into action, when facing the choices that they encounter.

Abundant Life or Abundant's YOUR choice!